Robocraft Game Fair Play Expectations

Freejam requests that all users playing Robocraft follow these rules and guidelines to ensure a fun and fair experience for everyone;

No offensive usernames

Robocraft moderators will suspend any account with a username that could be offensive to others, i.e., profanity, political, racism, overtly sexual, etc. Freejam cannot change usernames. Please note that this also applies to Clan names - where the leader of a clan with an offensive name will have their account suspended.

No usernames containing adverts/URLs

Robocraft moderators can suspend any player's account whose username promotes other products, services, or Websites. Freejam cannot change usernames. Please note that this also applies to Clan names - where the leader of a clan with a prohibited name could have their account suspended.

No offensive avatars

Robocraft moderators will remove any avatar and suspend any account with an avatar that features nudity or inappropriate political iconography. Please note that this also applies to Clan avatars - where the leader of a clan with an offensive avatar will have their account suspended.

No offensive chat

Please do not use offensive text when communicating using the in-game chat system. Any text that could be offensive to others could result in a warning or ultimately account suspension from a moderator.

No spamming/flooding

Please do not abuse the in-game chat system by spamming/flooding, or filling it with random characters, or padding it etc. Any abuse of the chat system could result in a warning and ultimately account suspension from a Robocraft moderator.

Chat language

Please respect other players and use the correct language when using the chat rooms. For example, if you wish to speak French, please use the /frFR chat or /esES room if you wish to speak Spanish. To see a list of available language chat rooms, type /list into chat in the game.

No offensive Robots or Robot Names

Please do not create Robot forms that could be offensive to others, such as religious or controversial symbols, offensive words, sexual objects, etc. Offensive Robots can result in a warning and ultimately suspension of your account by a moderator.

No AFK'ing

Any users persistently seen not actively playing in battle, i.e. "Away From Keyboard", will receive a warning and ultimately account suspension if persistent from Robocraft moderators.

No hacking, cheating or macro-automation

Anyone caught and proved to be hacking in any way will instantly have their account suspended, no questions asked. Usage of software or hardware macros to automate elements of Robocraft that should be skill-dependent is also prohibited.

No impersonation of Mods, Admins or Devs

Impersonating a member of the moderation team or a developer can result in a warning and ultimately suspension of your account by a moderator.

No actions that intentionally damage the experience of other players

Any actions that damage another player's experience by intentionally flipping/blocking them, intentionally lagging them or anything else that isn't a standard part of gameplay may lead to account warnings and eventually account suspension. This also includes intentionally disconnecting from a game before it has ended.

No using an ALT account to bypass a moderator's action

If any player is found to be bypassing a moderator’s action through the use of an ALT account, then that ALT account will be permanently suspended, and a warning will be issued on the offending player’s original account.

Do not discuss moderator actions

Please do not discuss moderator actions in the in-game chat. If you wish to contest an infraction or discuss a moderator's action, please contact us here: